Reflect on the needs of your soul -->

the special needs of asthma and allergies :: an introduction to our family’s journey

the special needs of asthma and allergies :: an introduction to our family’s journey

These two aren’t always related, but we’re dealing with each in our family.

It wasn’t always this way.  Once upon a time, my main medical worry as Dr. Mom simply included were simple childhood illnesses.

Now?  We face more intense concerns, such as a life-threatening dairy allergy.  Trees, rodents, dust and more also make the environmental concern list.  Asthma and breathing struggles are present, often triggered by an allergic reaction, or simply too much time played outdoors at the wrong time of day during the wrong season.  Sigh.

We celebrate the victories of overcoming difficulties, we definitely give thanks for successes.  Sometimes though, it’s no fun.

To watch your child struggle for breath and lose energy from the fight…

…to repeat again ‘no honey, you’re allergic’ and to know he’s tired of it too.

To watch a physician hesitate to give overpowering drugs to your child, understanding the side effects…

I write to offer HOPE.  To offer COMMUNITY.

Spending the last 3 years researching asthma and allergies, I found little in ways of Mamas balancing the practice of Western medicine with traditional methods.

Moms who are alarmed by the potential dangers of prolonged use of asthma meds, and who want an alternative to consider.

Moms who recognize the powerful ability of our bodies to slowly heal when we give space, room and offer less invasive measures for them to do so.  Maybe I looked in the wrongs spaces, who knows.

There’s not a discomfort or lack of appreciation for doctors or hospitals.  Oh my, we’ve needed their expertise and care over the years!  Our children have been to allergists, pediatricians, have seen numerous ER personnel and more.

And I’m not a physician or medical professional by any means.  I’ll write to share information to think on, ways we’ve found to help ease the concerns of allergies and asthma (or to simply offer a more gentle way of relief).

Natural, traditional methods to help in the battle…maybe something might work for your family?

So, look for posts on the subject – here’s a snapshot:

  • the importance of reducing inflammation in the body
  • a natural line of products for breathing issues
  • the one change we made that worked surprisingly well
  • tips for reducing exposure to allergens in the home
  • and much, much more.

I invite you to receive these free updates via email so we can create community as your ideas and thoughts are welcome!


 update:  here’s Part I – Cleanse the Body


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  • patSeptember 6, 2012 - 8:15 am

    I’m looking forward to reading about your family’s journey. We have asthma/allergy issues in our family and with the Lord’s guidance, have been able to greatly reduce symptoms and flare-ups.


  • Daniele @ Domestic SerenitySeptember 6, 2012 - 8:19 am

    Pat, I welcome you to chime in anytime — we can all learn together. I like how you stated that, “with the Lord’s guidance”. This is how I feel as well.ReplyCancel

  • KaroleSeptember 6, 2012 - 9:55 am

    Hi there, I thought it was interesting that just this morning I got an update from Dr. Axe about the use of aspirin and some safe alternatives
    and the first thing listed that aspirin was used for was to reduce inflammation, and the first thing you listed in helping to control asthma/allergies was controlling inflammation. I don’t know if any thing mentioned would help but figured I’d pass it on as I would have never thought to search aspirin when looking for asthma/allergies remedies. So thankful that God has blessed my kiddos with not having to battle these two things 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Heather @ Cultivated LivesSeptember 7, 2012 - 4:20 pm

    Daniele, I’m looking forward to reading more too. My 11 month old has lots of food sensitivities/allergies. I ended up turning to help in the natural realm because my dr didn’t think extreme coloc, bloody stools and eczema were that big a deal and didn’t think we could find the cause.ReplyCancel

  • Cindy @ Fenced in FamilySeptember 19, 2012 - 7:02 pm

    I’m looking forward to this series. My youngest developed exertion-induced asthma when he was three, and conventional medicine made a tremendous difference. Since then, though, the doctor has also put my older two children on allergy/asthma medicine, and I’m not convinced they need it. I also have to wonder if my youngest still needs so much medicine. Natural is always preferable if it can do the same job, so I’m excited to see what has worked for your family.ReplyCancel

  • […] the past several years, our home has dealt with asthma and allergy struggles that often became […]ReplyCancel

  • […] started weeks ago with explaining how our journey began and what we faced on a regular basis:  hospitalizations, scary asthma attacks, feeling […]ReplyCancel

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Daniele Evans