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the allume conference :: a belated, but on time recap

the allume conference :: a belated, but on time recap

Oh, you thought I forgot?

No…I’m just slow in gathering my thoughts.  Remember last year?  It took me a while.  So yes, it’s three weeks after the conference, after the glow – but I’m still moved by all that took place.

My heart is incredibly full.  Overflowing really.

I’ve mentioned before how this time always seems like a coming together of kindred spirits, of like-minded and like-hearted women who write, who pour of themselves onto a screen and out into the world beyond.

Each year I’ve made this journey not far from home, the joy, the laughter, the camaraderie, the excitement never ceases to amaze.  To fill.  To bring more life.

For when you share a gift or a desire which hundreds of other women around you share….it’s amazing to see what God does with this.

{the prayer room :: quiet, serene}

I’ll give you glimpses from Allume:

meeting several fellow contributing writers to The Better Mom (this photo is the real deal, lol), praying together, dreaming together  :  connecting richly and deeply with new and old friends  :  one God-sent conversation settling my concerns with a family situation

joining a new network of Christian! natural living writers (love the vision – real food, real families, real faith.  yes, please.)  :  time with Cheryl, The 2:1 Conference founder (thrilled to be on her team of speakers for next year!)

reconnecting with many local-to-me bloggers  :  challenged by words of several speakers, namely Stephanie Bryant, Tricia Goyer  :  moved by Phil Vischer’s testimony of leaving our dreams in God’s hands, and enjoying hearing him do all of the Veggie Tales character voices

meeting author & speaker Elisa Pulliam, conversations of the ministry hearts we share (another God-sent connection which has continued beyond Allume) : encouragement & laughter with Teach Them Diligently conference founder Leslie – an extraordinary woman of God!

listening, growing, learning with one session full of other Moms who seek to balance this writing thing with motherhood responsibilities  :  Understanding more and more just WHO God created me to be — who I am, who I’m not.

and SO much more!  Truly, it was a packed 3 days, full of much goodness.

I simple exhale a thank you.  

Thank you Lord for this community.


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