For our devotionals before schooling begins, the children and I have been enjoying a new addition to our bookshelves, Hymns for a Kid’s Heart. Great songs of our faith sung by children with a short background story on the history of the author and the reason for writing the words and/or music. Also is a devotional thought, scripture, and prayer included for each hymn. Accompaniment tracks and other ideas for use can be found here.
We’ve talked about how Scripture strongly encourages singing and making music unto the Lord, and in some passages the encouragement to sing is in command form. Our voice is an instrument given to us by our Creator! Well, this was readily taken to heart and they haven’t stopped singing hymns or any other song in loud, boisterous tones as a part of their praise {the Itsy Bitsy Spider is not really a song of adoration unto our Lord, but I was not about to interrupt my 3 yr old’s worship!}.
The other volumes in this series have been added to our wish list as I’m sure we’ll soon exhaust the songs in our first book!
I am so-o impressed that the children are learning hymns of old.It’s wonderful to know they are learning about the saints that passed the torch to us.