Can Valentine’s be a simple affair for husband and wife?
While there’s nothing wrong with celebrating in more style and appreciating dinner out, flowers, chocolates & the like on this special day, there shouldn’t be any pressure to do so. Valentine’s is about celebrating relationships, true? With a little creativity, honoring your marriage and spouse can be a simple affair.
A few ideas:
~ enjoy breakfast in bed if possible. Yes, someone will have to make said breakfast, but what a way to start the morning! If early a.m. routines allow it, spend extra time sharing the first meal of the day still in pajamas.
~ give the gift of time by arranging for a night out. Being a stay-at-home-mom, I enjoy the occasional evening away to spend with friends or alone doing an activity. I can often underestimate that my husband would appreciate this as well. While he is away during the day, he is at work, just like me. If an evening to himself would be of benefit, make it happen!
~ make him a crossword puzzle with clues from your years of dating and marriage. An idea completed this week! Very easy & fun, choose criss-cross puzzles on this page and follow directions. Just type in words and clues such as “six how many children you first wanted” and the site will generate the puzzle for you! (yes, my husband told me early on that 6-8 children would be cool. we have five, good enough!)
~ give words of affirmation. There are probably few men who would not appreciate their wife bragging on how great of a husband, father, provider, etc. he is. Food for the soul. Write him a note or letter expressing appreciation and thanks.
~ watch your wedding video again. With popcorn of course (or whatever treat fits)!
~ consider having an in-house date. If dinner out is not a possibility or not welcomed, consider dinner for two right at home! Keep the meal simple with salad, baked potatoes and a meat or a lasagna that can could be made in advance. Maybe set the table with candles, petals of a rose spread about, and enjoy some beautiful background music (no music available? try free internet Pandora radio and set the station to David Nevue or Yiruma).
The idea is to celebrate ‘US’ :: the marriage and relationship you share.
In case you missed it, earlier this week some simple Valentine’s ideas for children and teens were shared.