As a practice of staying in the moment, focusing on right now…
TODAY, I’m participating in the simple woman’s daybook. Some affiliate links are below.
Outside my window… it is evening as I write this, so outdoors is cozy dark.
I am thankful… for a wonderful birthday last week, SO full of family togetherness enjoying Longwood Gardens and dinner out, lunch with my Mom, a bit of window shopping, a long quiet drive and few more of my favorite things.
In the kitchen… this past week I found my cooking groove again (and my grocery shopping groove). My husband and convenience food had taken over in the kitchen for 2-3 really full weeks. My favorite to make was shrimp scampi – so quick to get on the table!
I am pondering… how to spend our ‘Thanksgiving break’. We are working extra hard now in order to fully rest most of Thanksgiving week. My husband and I created a large list of to do’s and are tackling them one by one! A whole lot of nothingness (is that a word?) will probably be the agenda for our resting days…sounds lovely.
I am going… several places this week in light of a the aforementioned list! A few meetings, groceries, and other errands.
I am reading… Multiply by Francis Chan, Scripture, and that is about it for now. Hopefully, our Thanksgiving break will allow for extended reading time.
I am creating... several journaling pages on attributes and names of God. If you have followed my Facebook photos, a few completed pages are highlighted there. There isn’t any particular rhyme or pattern to what I am doing, except to follow the alphabet, and the creative process is a wonderful experience!
I am learning… to juggle our new routine and schedule with more grace and ease. September worked me over, but I made it (every September feels like this somehow). Now? I believe we are finding a rhythm…
I am looking forward to… trying out some Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, a new-to-me way of taking this antioxidant. Recently, I have been working on boosting my adrenal glands and immune system with extra support, and learned about this form of Vitamin C on YouTube. It delivers 1,000 mg per serving!
One of my favorite things… watching my 5 year old’s passion and intense drive when it comes to sports. We are not really a sports family (understatement!), but he certainly was born with a ball in hand and on his mind. Every day, regardless of the temperature, he is outside hitting, catching, throwing, pitching or something along those lines, and has been since he could walk. The rest of us take turns to keep up, and he cries when it is time to come inside. I am convinced it is his gifting; and to observe his dedication is truly remarkable.
That’s all friends! If you would like, comment below about what is going on in your week…
A gracious day to each of you.
I am so blessed by your calm and gentle writing. It is so soothing, refreshing, and inspiring to read your words. Thank you for sharing them with us! 🙂