Reflect on the needs of your soul -->

Mama D’s Musings

Mama D’s Musings

It’s been a while since there has been a post about our family mission statement and the driving force behind why we’ve chosen to base the children’s education from home for this season. Well, the primary reason is because we’ve been doing the work of educating them! But, the real reason is basically…I forgot.

In the fall, I posted about reason number one, and today I want to elaborate on our mission statement–five descriptions that we came up with back in 2003 that seem to give us a goal to attain. We have not perfected it by any means, but we try daily.

Number Two: “We develop our abilities and talents to honor God and help those in need. We will generously share what we have with others.”

Not only are we called to experience relationship together as a family and with our Creator, we are called to relationship with those around us. No theologians here, however, if we did a quick scan of the Scriptures, much seems to focus on the fact that mankind is to care for the things (tangible or intangible) given to us. But not only for our own benefit or to make a name for ourselves! To glorify God and to serve others.

As parents we desire that our children first understand that they are gifted–created in the image of a multi-faceted and highly intelligent God. The gifts or talents they’ve been given are to be nutured so that they can serve and take their place in this slice of history. Any parent knows it is a huge task to discover where our children’s abilities seem to flourish and to provide ways to ignite that fire.
So…we have them at home for a little longer than the ‘norm’. Here we can take more time to observe, make note of, take in who they are and the ins and outs of their personalities and potential. With that information in mind, we create opportunities for them to grow in a more holistic way than a classroom might provide. We do not blame the schools, their primary focus is to train children academically. But there is much more to a person than that.
Our family has been entrusted with much. Four beautiful children and the many gifts, talents and abilities among them. Having them at home this season enables us as parents to be much more diligent in allowing them to develop, grow….and become.
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    Daniele Evans