Reflect on the needs of your soul -->



May2007 062:: we say good-bye to a dear friend I’ve mentioned here in this space several times.  Annette, you now enjoy the splendors of heaven


148.  for a woman of God who influenced my own spiritual walk, encouraged me to be authentic, even in this fishbowl life that is ours

149.  the opportunity to see in your home & in your life hospitality in action—consistently opening your doors and heart to others

150.  great recipes!  I copied several out of your cookbooks, the bread pudding is a fave of my husband’s; we’ll eat it in the future & remember good times

151.  and just the reminder from watching you that life was meant to be lived to the fullest.  so what if the dishes didn’t get done or the family room is a bit messy, invite that friend over anyway; spend lavish time with my children, nurture my relationship with my spouse, even when it’s hard; love God, His people and His house.

what a legacy you have left, Annette.  Thank you.


{photo of Annette & her husband Scott taken May 2007, before cancer diagnosis, our last visit as families}

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  • agingrichApril 8, 2009 - 3:47 pm

    What a bittersweet home going. I’ll be keeping her family in my prayers.ReplyCancel

  • AliceApril 10, 2009 - 3:27 pm

    Michael and Daniele,
    My prayers and thoughts are with you as you continue life here without your dear friend Nette. I know you will always remember the good times you shared.

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Daniele Evans