The children have declared that I do not write as much about their schooling as I used to. They’re right. When we had a ‘school’ blog, much of their accomplishments and activities were recorded with consistency. Ahem. A few family members have noticed as well. So I’m guilty.
Here’s a little bit of a picture update~
:: Jordyn recently took a class for 1st-3rd graders at a local art school and loved it. She is now teaching the rest of us the finer points of watercolors, Monet, and drawing. Photos are from the art show held for parents & family; the top~ both works of art are hers; the bottom~ the one in the middle is hers.
:: Josiah working on building up those fine motor muscles with clothespins and starting a low-key introduction to simple addition (the worksheets are not for him :o). We also use these cards (one for each number zero to ten) to line up the numbers in order smallest to biggest or vice versa.
:: Jordyn & Josiah’s recent ‘science experiment’! Which one melts faster—ice in the cold outside or ice in the sunlight on our windowsill? Waiting and timing the whole thing and then writing down our results. The reason for a sudden interest in doing an experiment….
…was because big sister Janelle was busy doing her own science project for a class.
I have to tell you that homeschooling can really stretch you :: when my child is interested in a subject—extracting DNA—that is foreign to me, well, it’s time to dig deeper! I am grateful for the internet.
The whole process is explained here and we really had fun figuring out how to get the DNA of split-peas out; then using various mediums to open the nucleus of the cells to see which would produce the most DNA. Are you confused yet? My girl knew what she was talking about though I had to catch up. Now, I’m informed!
Sorry for the poor picture, but the stringy white stuff floating on top of the green pea mixture at the bottom is the DNA! Watching her excitement made the process worth it.
And the littlest one is working on being cute. Making faces, smiling, laughing, babbling.
Good stuff and entertaining to us all!
Sounds like you all have been quite busy! My 12-year old has become quite interested in the scientific evidence supporting creationism versus evolution. Deep stuff in my mind, but she thrives on that type of discovery and debate! Isn't it great when our kids get to a point in their education when they grab us by the hand and lead us into new knowledge?
Oh my all of these sweet little faces make me smile.:o) Jeremiah is a cute one for sure!!:o)
Wonderful times, lovely family.
tho' it seems very daunting, i am encouraged to know you did such an amazing science experiment at home! that is the sort of stuff that is fascinating to me and i am impressed! i didn't do that kind of science work til i was in college! they all are doing such great work and so are you–such an inspiration to a newbie (in comparison) homeschooler!