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home management 2014 :: my Erin Condren life planner

home management 2014 :: my Erin Condren life planner


I’ve chipped away at this post little by little – sometimes only in my head –  and have finally wrapped it up.

If you remember, late last year I went into overhaul mode with how I planned our days, deciding that it was time to say goodbye to digital helps and other things that just weren’t working for me.

Then I introduced to you my errand notebook and 2014 blog planner, both of which have been super tools.

Yes, I guess I do have THREE different planners…and you may wonder why?

Personally, I’ve never liked an all-in-one planner to carry everything, though I know it works beautifully for others.  I also haven’t found a need to carry everything with me everywhere — I kind of appreciate only focusing on an area or two at a time. But still, I truly needed space to plan for these different areas of life.

So instead, I split everything up!

In my hunt for the best planner (such a personal quest, ya know?), I came across the Erin Condren classic life planner.

I had heard of these before, but never paid much attention until I saw this post and watched this video, which made me realize this planner was organized exactly how I think!  There are tons and tons of EC reviews (and videos) out there, so I’ll just highlight my favorite parts:

  • customizable!  my cover is the paisley pattern in white and pool background to match my blog planner.
  • thick, laminated cover and tabs – it’s sturdy with a strong coil to bind everything
  • 2 page monthly and 2 page weekly spread – plenty of room to write; days of the week are sectioned into morning, day, and night…just how I planned my days before
  • room to write weekly goals – this was a BIG deal to me, since I usually do this on a separate sheet of paper, but now it’s include right in the planner
  • pages for notes – both blank & lined paper
  • double-sided pocket and zipper plastic pouch included
  • a page marker
  • and MORE!

{my page marker is upside down on purpose – I like it better this way!}

On the back of the pager marker, I used blank stickers (an add-on) to mark the areas for which I write weekly goals.  They have been the same for the past few years:

  • soul care/nourish
  • marriage
  • mothering/homeschooling
  • home management
  • ministry/writing

Each week I decided on 1-2 main things I would like to accomplish during the week for that particular area of life.  So far, it’s been a helpful, handy tool.

:  :

Overall, I use this planner as my running TO DO list.  It’s where I keep more detailed track of what needs to happen daily, and a living memory of what I’ve accomplished.

I actually keep my planners from year to year!

However, some things don’t ever go in this space.  For example, I use Confident Mom’s FREE charts for my cleaning to do’s, and all of my homeschool planning notes aren’t kept here (that’s another post).

This planner IS a bit pricey, and my frugal side (actually my whole frugal self) had a tough time justifying the purchase.

But then I realized I’m spending less than $5 monthly to organize our family life in a way I find refreshing and rewarding — plus, it makes me incredibly happy. 🙂

Just a NOTE:

There are still days where I’m running around like a crazed person with NO plan and NO organization to my days (yes, it’s true…just ask my family).  

But my goal isn’t perfection, it’s to have a flexible plan. 🙂


Should you decide to order anything from Erin Condren, feel free to use my referral link to receive $10 off your purchase!


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  • Carlie @ Managing Your BlessingsMarch 21, 2014 - 12:06 pm

    LOVE this! I, too, ditched the digital and went back to my first love – written word 🙂 I also JUST got my first Erin Condren life planner too 🙂 I got mine just in time to start planning out March and have already fallen in love. Great review!ReplyCancel

  • Emily WilliamsMarch 30, 2014 - 8:46 am

    I have been an EC fan since I got my first Life Planner last November but I just had to say I LOVE the white paisley on pool! My planner is white paisley on hot pink. <3ReplyCancel

  • Alana. PetersonApril 5, 2014 - 11:59 am

    I’m so glad I saw this post! I was looking for an “Ultimate Planner” and was contemplating creating one that would serve all of my needs. Then, there was your post! WOOOHOOO! I managed to get April through December 2014, with the sale price and your additional $10 off affiliate link. Super deal for this frugal mom! Your are greatly appreciated and a true blessing!ReplyCancel

  • Daniele @ Domestic SerenityApril 5, 2014 - 3:33 pm

    Yeah Alana!! You are very welcome. So glad you caught the super sale happening right now, and thanks for using my referral link. 🙂 Hope you enjoy!ReplyCancel

  • […] Regular readers probably know I’m a planner. […]ReplyCancel

  • Vicky GarlandAugust 14, 2017 - 6:26 pm

    I like or love the Erin Condren planners I always have there a little out of my orice range though so this year I went with the Hello Life Happy Planner and I got 2017, and 2018! I love your system and all you write. I can sure relate!ReplyCancel

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Daniele Evans