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home decor with a vintage wash tub

home decor with a vintage wash tub

I’ve already shared with you my desire to bring in the old for some home decor, and this is my latest project! – an old-looking washtub to hold some reading material.

Since we didn’t move into an older home with lots of character (a.k.a. needs lots of work), here and there in corners I plan to add some vintage charm.  I like a mix of practical and pretty.

Home decor which truly works for little hands, and a large family, but arranged in a way Mama finds pleasing!

Our family room table is often a spot for stacking….books, papers, and whatever else.  I would find myself gathering up books, straightening them often, and thinking through a better option.  The messy look was getting to me.

Then, one day I found this wash tub and knew it would work perfectly!

I have to stop and tell you my husband’s reaction as he helped me take items out of the car.  The look on his face was one of complete puzzlement as if to ask ‘what in the world is she doing now!?’

I smiled and answered aloud to his unasked question, ‘Just wait and see!’  Within 15-20 minutes, he agreed I was on to something good with this wash tub. 🙂

I used a Christmas tree skirt for under the wash tub; it perfectly protects the table while covering up scratches from little boys who used said table as a runway for their cars (that’s another blog post).

The books are a mix from everyone in the family, and they’ll change as needed.  Sure, things still get stacked on the sides.

But now, we have a bit of vintage organization for putting away what we’re reading.

A win-win!


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  • ShirleyNovember 26, 2013 - 3:28 pm

    I love the wash tub idea…vintage and beautifully arranged.ReplyCancel

  • elisaNovember 26, 2013 - 8:20 pm

    Love this, Daniele!ReplyCancel

  • LanaNovember 30, 2013 - 5:20 pm

    I love it! As empty nesters it is half of the kitchen table at our house that is constantly piled. It drives me nuts but I have yet to come up with a solution.ReplyCancel

  • RuthDecember 2, 2013 - 7:24 pm

    It’s been a long time…

    Love it!ReplyCancel

  • Vicky GarlandAugust 14, 2017 - 5:41 pm

    I love this idea and I loved the vintage suitcase idea I’ve always wanted to do this they can be expensive though. There may be some old style thrift shops her that have them. Were in Ky, and I just love this. I saw some in a store here Simple Thymes and they were twenty dollars a piece new. Thank you for sharing!ReplyCancel

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Daniele Evans