Of course I’m not doubting my husband’s love for me. It’s a strong, healthy foundation on which our marriage is built. And I love him dearly as well.
But I do wonder why this morning of all mornings, he brings home……
Wait. You should hear about the rest of the week first. I had been discussing with Michael some challenges I’m facing with one of the children. Nothing huge, but significant enough for me to hide in a closet one day this week taking deep breaths and praying for calmness before I approached the child in question. After two weeks of the stomach bug and almost two weeks of flu-like symptoms, the children are all finally feeling well…..and wild. It’s certainly time for Spring.So I cry on the shoulder of my strongest and best friend, who comforts me with words of encouragement and gives me new perspective. I so appreciate the man that I married. He is my gift from God.
But, why oh why this morning did he bring home whistles? WHISTLES? Each of the cherubs grabbed hold of their treasure as if they’d been handed a huge box of candy and began blowing to their heart’s delight.
They were e-c-s-t-a-t-i-c.
I now have a headache.
Nap time and quiet hour never seemed so precious.
I do love the man that I married and it’s very good that we have a date planned this evening. I want to tell him about my day {cheesy smile inserted here}. Forgiveness will be granted.
27. everyone recovering from all of the illness bugs
28. ancient words, ever true…reminding me of His promises
29. anticipating an evening shared with my love