Reflect on the needs of your soul -->

gratitude rises above

gratitude rises above

sometimes I am really weary at the end of a day…

…at times motherhood, keeping a home, and the full life we have leaves me exhausted.

there are days it’s tempting to think this phase of life with little ones will go on forever

and then I download pictures from my camera and gratitude for these days (though tiring at times) wells up in my heart.  I know the time is fleeting, and scenes like these will soon be only memories :: and so I give thanks

DSC_0045for his wonder of the outdoor world

DSC_0017 a little girl learning new sporting skills

DSC_0034and gaming skills

DSC_0073for his intensity 🙂

DSC_0072for toys strewn about the yard

DSC_0046for diapers that need changing and baby—okay toddler—legs

DSC_0015 for a doting auntie and uncle!

DSC_0105 for sacked out little ones in the car


DSC_0010 and for creative messes that need to be cleaned up…


For all of this Lord, I am grateful.  One can lose sight and vision in the day-to-day of a home full of activity, noise! and the many needs of the little people around me.  I pray that You restore my sight and cause me to really see from heaven’s perspective.  Remind me of the eternal nature of what is happening in our home. 

Let me see You at work….


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    Daniele Evans