That’s right. Give up something…
Let go, release it – STOP. Then take a deep breath and start living.
I read a post yesterday on setting sacrifices. Not only goals, but sacrifices. Consider this quote from Jon Morrow that Amy pointed out in her post:
Instead of just setting goals for this year, also set sacrifices. Here’s the idea: your life is already too full, and if you’re going to add anything, first you have to take something out. So, decide what you will sacrifice. Is it your family? TV time? Perfectionism? Sleep? Job security? For every goal, choose one sacrifice.
Oh, this struck me right at the core, yes it did. For last week, I had a disastrous experience (a few actually) simply because I wouldn’t live this principle out. Not that I couldn’t…I chose not to.
Goals were established in this 2012 PURSUE year, sacrifices were decided upon and even welcomed. In order for me to pursue wholeheartedly in one area, I readily let go of expectations in another. Creating space for writing has been an exciting adventure; saying good-bye either temporarily or permanently to other pursuits was challenging at first, but freeing!
But the problem I ran into last week was a simple mistake we all make often.
I picked those ‘sacrifices’ back up — thinking “well, I could still do this…it’s not much really…this doesn’t take too much time”. Bad mistake, not smart at all.
One significant change I’ve made to my rhythm and routine is in the area of grocery shopping. In the past, I’ve had the freedom and found tremendous enjoyment in couponing and visiting several stores monthly, shopping rock-bottom sales for our food — yes, even primarily whole foods. It wasn’t extreme, but it was loads of fun (and we saved a lot!).
Towards the end of last year, as opportunities for writing came my way, I knew it was time for a change.
Saying good-bye to this pursuit, instead I shopped at one store or even purchased food online — simplifying life and creating space in my schedule by also shifting a few other aspects of my days as well. Yes!
Until last week. Trying to outsmart God, who gave me the idea of simplifying in the first place, I flopped miserably at the whole thing. Taking way too many hours (precious hours!) in the course of a week, by the end I saw clearly my mistake.
My husband also gently pointed out the problem — ME. Well, he was a little emphatic, but very caring. 🙂
I set a goal and a sacrifice. By picking the sacrifice back up, I dropped the goal.
Ever done the same thing? Are you doing this now? Trying to do it all?
I guess the first question to consider is if you’ve even set God-ordained goals. If so, then it’s time to set sacrifices as well — and to stick with them.
Be gracious to yourself. By yesterday, I had repented, laughed at my craziness and moved on. There’s no use in getting stuck for long, wasting more time. Prayerfully, I’ve learned a lesson.
Choose what you must give up today. Choose wisely.