Yes, it’s mid-October.
And yes, I am only now offering the September update!
In my last post, I shared how September felt WILD in the best and beautiful kind of way. How the month caught me by surprise.
More details later in this post, but first a few family updates. Things I actually planned in September…
Our 16th year (or maybe 17th…I lost count) of homeschooling started last month.
This year I have a high school junior, 8th grader and 4th grader — ages 10, 13, and 16.
Two play fall sports, so the calendar reflected many, many practices and games well into October. The high schooler also works a part-time job.
It’s the busy we choose, so I am okay with it.
Depending on how football playoffs go, we rest for about two months until musical theatre rehearsals begin for all three!
I completed my first graduate course!
Often I’m asked my study path or goals…and there is no agenda right now. I simply love to learn and everything aligned to take this particular course.
The topic of trauma and trauma healing is certainly a heavier one.
I’ve gained so many insights to chew on and consider!
These inform how I approach spiritual and emotional care for myself, my family and in working with others. Good stuff.
In between the busy, I took time for extra cooking last month.
You know, beyond just feeding everyone.
We whipped up homemade pretzels, canned applesauce and apple pie filling, enjoyed plenty desserts from said apples, and I canned grape juice for the first time.
Thanks to a friend for the Concord grapes and use of her steam juicer. (Unsure if this is the exact one pictured here).
I often process mentally and emotionally through a creative project: cooking, paper crafts or journaling, decluttering.
And with what happened business-wise in September, it’s no wonder I took on extra cooking!
Back in May I shared my vision and hope for working from home — to use in fresh ways skills cultivated over 20 years in church ministry.
In July I quietly launched this website.
While I informed a few communities, it definitely felt a slow, soft launch. Nothing flashy or fancy.
I’m a one-person business with a goal of not burning myself out.
In September?
I can only say God had other ideas than a slow start!
I received email after email from those seeking spiritual support and care.
After briefly meeting together and discerning next steps, many became regular clients.
I responded yes to offering spiritual direction at a medical and health conference. We called it a ‘listening room’ and created safe space for processing. Those interested included young adults, support group leaders and several couples.
I responded yes to two future speaking engagements.
ALLthis happened in the space of about three weeks — completely taking me by surprise! Applying general business sense, I anticipated much more time.
But God friends. But God.
So that was September — at least a peek! A wonderfully wild month…